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Gary Rosenberg, LifeMan

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  Part A.

The business side of me


I am a Certified Financial Planner. But my profession is not financial planning  or managing assets.


Earning the CFP designation has been very important to me for one reason only;  CFP education and training would help me be a better life insurance agent. I always want to see the big picture in order to help my clients. Life insurance is important, but it is not the answer to every problem.


When I recommend life or disability insurance, I ask myself the following questions:


The Planning:


Are all the client's advisors on the same page?

Is there any other way to fix the client's problem?

Are we fixing a short or long term issue?

Are  the  client's future needs (and cash flow) predictable or variable?


The Insurance Carrier:


Is the company financially sound?

Have they ever changed their rules to be more restrictive?

Is their underwriting  quick?



The Product:


Is it the absolute best for the client, not only now, but well into the future?

Are the important clauses guaranteed?

Is the program flexible enough to make sense long into the future?



These things keep me up at night.  I won't recommend something if I don't believe in it.   It is up to me to protect the client and make sure his or her insurance program is really sound and appropriate.


A man named T. Dinan once told me, "Peace of mind is its own kind of wealth."


That's what I aim to represent and deliver.






 Part B.

My Bio


Gary Rosenberg, a native Detroiter, holds the Certified Financial Planner® designation from The College for Financial Planning as well as Chartered Life Underwriter from The American College. In 2005 he earned the designation Certified in Long Term Care.


Gary’s areas of practice include employee benefits, disability insurance, life insurance, long term care, Medicare supplements, business continuity planning, and estate planning. He especially enjoys working with closely held businesses and professionals.


Gary is a sought-after speaker for accounting, legal and financial planning groups. He led the team that developed the Internet’s first self-serve, instant-fulfillment disability and life insurance website.


After attending Michigan State University, Gary enjoyed a career as a musician and entertainer for nearly a decade. Gary and his highly intelligent, dynamic and beautiful wife of more than 30 years, Janet, live in Huntington Woods where they raised three tall, good looking, and remarkably talented children.


When he is not working, he focuses his leisure time on family, plus writing and recording the songs he writes.  Definitely not golf, regardless of what they say. Nope, not much golf at all. His handicap is way up there.




248.543.3626  |  248.LIFEMAN

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