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Writer's pictureGary Rosenberg

Blogging about Twitter, or maybe the other way around...?

Updated: May 18, 2021

Well, this is new. This, also, is new. Everything is new, it seems!

Apparently the world has changed. I need to learn all about how to market myself with social media.

If you are as unfamiliar as I am, maybe you can keep up with me and tell me how I am doing. Maybe we can learn something together!


My first thought is that the 49ers mostly went bust in the gold rush in California. But it is well known that Levi Strauss made a mint selling them dungarees, and sometimes even blue jeans.

That's what this social media landscape reminds me of. There are talented people and businesses and apps available to help me navigate this new land. I am still the one who has to sell a policy now and then to make a living, but at least the industry supporting the merchant is up and running.

I will make errors as I fumble through this new paradigm. Lucky for me my daughter Laura can help me, as she did with this website. Thanks, Rosie!

My twitter handle is 248lifeman. How did you know? Oh, you guessed it! Well that's good, it means my branding is sick. See, I know all the current jargon.

So, stay tuned and stay in touch. I will be social media savvy in no time at all! Yeah, right.

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